Monthly Archives: August 2016

What Ranks the highest?


What Ranks the Highest? 1 Corinthians 13

We all have a way of ranking others as to who ‘has arrived’ or not in our churches. This happens naturally due to our human nature. We all want to be accepted as being high on the spiritual grid before others. Who doesn’t? Not only that, but each church or denomination has things they value and rank higher than others so if you want to be respected, you will need to find out what those good works are for each church. The works in and of themselves are good, but it is our rankings that come into question. Let’s see how God views our rankings, and what He has to say about them. I Corinthians 13 addresses this. Let’s look at the broad groupings of what is valued in particular churches, then we’ll go back and see how these rank before God. Continue reading What Ranks the highest?