His Footsteps our Pathway

Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway” (Psalm 85:13).

Picture a deep snowfall on a mountain pathway that is so deep that it is difficult to walk through for a child. Now picture a father plowing on before, with a little child right behind him holding onto his waste. The father breaks the snow and eases the way with each step as the child puts his feet in his father’s footsteps. What would have been an extremely difficult or impossible task for the child is now made possible because he walks right behind his father. He will get to the desired end one step at a time.

That is how we get through life. God goes before us breaking the way and we follow behind, making His footsteps our pathway. We don’t have to look down the pathway wondering how we’ll get there, we just have to follow right behind our guide, one step at time.