We Need to be Ready

We need to be spiritually ready before disaster strikes, not after.
I like to think of this concept with an example of taking a dip in an ice-cold mountain lake. If you are a member of the Polar Bear club and do this every January 1st, you will get yourself psyched-out to do the plunge with on-lookers cheering you on. When you jump in, it will be a shock, but you will come out invigorated and no worse for the wear. Why? because you were ready for it. Now let’s take a different scenerio of someone sleeping comfortably by the fireplace wrapped up in a warm blanket. If someone picks that person up in their warm blanket and takes them outside while they are still sleeping, then throws them in the lake, a very different reaction will probably occur. The shock on the person’s body will be so severe that it might even kill them because they were not ready for it. So the variable of the ice cold lake could either invigorate or kill depending on the readiness of the person taking the plunge.
We should always be ready spiritually for whatever situation God puts us in no matter how hard. This does not mean playing out scenerios, it means walking with God in such a way that we are ready to take His hand and gain His strength to go through anything He has for us at a moment’s notice. It is giving your willingness beforehand, knowing in faith that God is good, and it is all part of His glorious plan.